very late review, sorry about that. also it's kinda long, but if i'm gonna write a review you bet i'm putting in the effort.
initially i couldn't quite get why exactly your words hit me the way they did, so to be fair i had a bit of mixed feelings about this. then i realized that what you described in the first part is the exact same situation i'm living right now, chapter and verse (though i'm aware that i've talked about this way too many times at this point) and, at the time of writing this review, this might be the confession i hold the dearest, probably of all time.
unfortunately, as i've said to the point of annoying everyone, i'm still in the "being submerged in darkness" stage, though i'm trying to follow your principle in the hopes of finally getting out of this damn quicksand.
<3 j00 too, buddy. thank you for your words.